Thursday 10 March 2016


One of the most important factors in social and emotional development is the ability of a child to bond with the parents, starting from the moment she/he leaves the womb. 
Parental bonding helps a child feel safe, secure, nurtured and loved.

The parent-child bond is one of the strongest predictors of mental, social, physical and emotional health.

Working parents who make family time a priority and are committed to their child's development are just as capable of establishing a healthy bond with their child as non-working parents. Creating a secure, healthy attachment with your child requires more than merely spending time together. It requires love, nurturing, commitment, attending to your child's physical needs and developing a sense of connection to your child.
Most mothers around the world are working mothers. A working mother serves as a good role model for her children.

Women can be good mothers regardless of whether they stay at home or work outside and be a role model for her child.
People still think that a “good mother” is one who gives up her career to stay home and look after her children.
The first few years of a child’s life are very important in shaping up his/her future personality.  The child’s development is influenced majorly by the emotional health of the family. A child who is emotionally stable will thrive regardless of whether the mother works outside the home or not.
In most families with working mothers, each person plays a more active role in the household. The children tend to look after one another and get self dependent. 

In fact today’s fathers are involved in looking after children and taking some of the normal routine burden off the mother. They besides being the bread winner, help with household chores and looking after the children. These positive outcomes are most likely when the working mother feels valued and supported by family and friends.

Working mothers have to manage a plethora of activities. They don’t necessarily spend less time with their children; in fact they spend less time on household chores instead, or organize their work schedules around their children’s school timetables. 

No research says that the development of a child is hampered if they have a working mother. Infact, a recent research found that mothers spend four times as much quality time with their children today as they did earlier.
Children also look forward to spending time with their parents. They do not take their mother’s attention for granted. 
Children get inspired to pursue their dreams and ambition. Mothers who effectively manage work and family can instill good work ethics into their children. 

On the other hand, children of non-working women most of the times get used to their mother’s attention round the clock and fail to acknowledge her efforts. The mother is taken for granted. They are not as independent as compared to a child whose mother is a working one.
When both parents are working, children are bound to be looked after nannies or put in a day care. A high quality, stimulating, and nurturing day care prepares children for school, both socially and intellectually. But it is extremely important to participate in all the activities happening there to enhance growth in the areas of cognitive, social and emotional development.
Taking an active role in your child’s school/day care day to day activities will reduce any guilt feelings about working. Be more involved in all aspects of your child’s life.



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